Please Prove You’re Not a Robot

Arghhhhhh!!!!  I have just tried several times to comment on another blog, and my “please prove you’re not a robot” numbers and letters keep getting rejected.   No offense to anyone who uses that method of deterring spammers, but it is just getting too aggravating for me to mess with!

There are several blogs that I love to read, but I give up on trying to comment on them.

That’s one thing I really love about WordPress.  Their Akismet spam killer is really good.  Once in a very long time a spam will sneak through, but it’s a rarity when one does.

Today was errands…. got the taxes done.  The first time we’ve ever gotten them done before March or April.  It feels so good to have that behind us.

Ron needs new glasses before we head to Florida again.  Maybe I can get him an appointment next week or so.

I am so antsy to do some more mods in the Casita.  Our rear dinette cushions are 5″ thick and so hard that they are very uncomfortable to sit on.  I came so close today to buying more fabric and ordering some better-suited foam.  But I was a very good girl and stuck to my budget and just said no!  😀

Valances Finished & Awning Cleaned!

The valances are finally finished!

I finally got the Casita’s valances finished.  What a relief to have that project done!  The photo makes the side valance look longer than the rear valance, but they are actually the same length — 3-1/2″.

We had not used our awning before because it was really dirty and looked awful.  So today I scrubbed it with laundry detergent and bleach, and it came out looking great.  I was surprised that it cleaned up so well.  It will get a lot of use next week!

There are still a few spots, but the awning looks so much better than it did.

Finally, I’ll include a photo of the dinette mod that is now a twin bed for viewers who haven’t seen it before.

I still have some projects to putter on this afternoon.  Tomorrow is a busy day with vet and groomer, hair appointments and shopping, so I need to get everything I want done to the camper finished tonight.

Then I’ll pack the trailer Friday night and Saturday.  And we’ll head South on Sunday.

Here’s a picture of our dinette-turned-sofa/twin bed mod for those of you who haven’t seen it.





New Table and Storage Solution

The new glass table with baskets for storage under the rear twin bed

I had planned to build a drop leaf table for the Casita.  But the more I thought of a large expanse of solid wood tabletop and how cramped it would make the area look, I decided against wood.

Then, in searching online for small tables, I found a couple of glass topped ones that I liked.  Best of all,  I loved the idea of how open they would make the space look.

Here the table is slid to the side so we can easily walk past it.

But after pricing them, I wasn’t sure it was such a great idea.  So I headed to the thrift store on a hunting expedition.  I looked in every nook, but didn’t find anything that I liked.  But just as I was leaving, I saw a cute little plant stand and thought I might be able to modify it to make it work.

So I took it home, took it apart and cleaned it.  I gave the metal a couple of coats of spray paint to freshen it up, and discarded the 12″ wood top.

Here the tabletop is placed out of the way on top of a cushion, giving us even more space.

We had thrown out some old wicker furniture a couple of years ago, but I held on to the glass table tops, thinking I might could use them for something else some day.  I’m so glad I did.  The small, oval tabletop is a perfect fit in the Casita!  Best of all, it’s solid as a rock.

I love the small footprint of the table.  When we are not using it, I can slide it to the side to give us walking room.  Or I can completely remove the top and lay it on one of the dinette cushions, giving us even more space to access the storage baskets.  In transit, the glass top will travel on the bed, wedged in with pillows.  And the table base will be wedged between the wall carpet and the mattress to keep it from sliding around.

My beautiful storage baskets!

The wood color of the table base doesn’t match anything else, but I really like it, so I am leaving it as it.

I feel that we have succeeded in making our little 17′ trailer into a camper with the convenience and amenities of a much larger RV.

I also replaced the plastic drawers under the rear bed with pretty baskets.  That was a project!  Those of you who have suffered through descriptions of earlier projects know what’s coming, right?  😀

I found the baskets at Hobby Lobby.  The bases were the perfect size to fit the underbed cubby hole.  However, they had rounded “treasure chest” tops, so they needed some modification to work.

First I used my Dremel to cut through the fat globs of solder that secured the hinges, chain and latch to the basket frame.  After I figured out where not to stand to keep hot metal sparks from flying up my sleeve, the job wasn’t bad.  Just tedious.

Next I ground down all the sharp solder edges until they were smooth and rounded.  Then I rubbed black paint on them to tone down the shiny silver of the solder and to cover the small gouges I put in the surrounding metal so it wouldn’t rust.

Then it was time to make the muslin lining.  EXCEPT there are dozens of very tiny, very sharp little wires protruding into the basket…. and they poked right through the muslin.

So I am going to have to build 1/4″ plywood liners for the baskets.

But that’s a project for another day!

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