Camping in the Rain

Mikkey — one worn out camper. (The black cord is my tablet charger.)

When I made our reservations for White Tail Ridge, the long range weather forecast predicted a mix of cloudy and partly cloudy days with one thunderstormy day.

What we actually got were several thunderstorms, lots of drizzle, and one partly cloudy day — our last camping day!

We took both the Casita and the van. Having the extra room kept us from getting grumpy when we were cooped up during thunderstorms. We didn’t get a waterfront site this time, but the shade was nice during the rare sunny periods.

We would have left early except that I was certain I would find mushrooms after all that rain. My payoff? One log with fatally poisonous mushrooms in the button stage!

I believe these are baby deadly galerina mushrooms.

The days were hot and steamy. One day (between rains) the real-feel temperature got up to 103. I had very reluctantly bought a portable air conditioner for my tiny van. Reluctantly, because it takes up a huge amount of room!

Note the big honking portable air conditioner. It looked fine to me when the real feel temperature outside was 103, and it was deliciously cool inside the van.

After the trip I decided it was definitely worth giving up that 14 x 18 inches! It was not the style I wanted, but it was the only one I could find to fit in the 23 inches between the table top and ceiling. The cab of my micro van is too small to put a unit in the front of the van.

I made a temporary holder for the exhaust hose in the passenger window, and ran the drain line out of the power cord hole in the floor. It worked beautifully! So I’ll make a permanent version for my next trip.

There were holes in the ground all over the place where trees once were — hidden beneath the fallen leaves and undergrowth. I stepped in a couple of them.

The nicest thing about the trip was a group of 7 families, all relatives and neighbors from a fairly local small town. The guys fished (not very successfully) but every single person was warm, welcoming and friendly. Even the teenagers were courteous and friendly to us. People like that go a long way toward restoring faith that there really are a lot of good people around, despite what you hear on the news!

The only trumpet flower I saw had been knocked down by the rain.

We ate sandwiches and take-out mostly. Here, for posterity, is proof that I actually cooked for hubby — once!

Braised pork chops with Brussels sprouts cooked in the pan sauce. Yum!!!


  1. Judy L Crankshaw

     /  June 14, 2019

    Your opening photo of Mikkey cracks me up. Camping life is hard!

    You sure did have to give up space for your a/c, but when you gotta have it, there’s not much discussion, is there?

    Is your cooktop an induction burner, or butane? Have friends who pur based an induction burner, and they LOVE it for camping use. I dont think I’m ready to give up our two-burner Camp Chef stove yet, but I always like to think about the new gadgets, etc that are out there. We do have a butane burner, but we really dont use it.

    Camp on!


    • What a treat to see you here! I miss you! Where are you now?

      The picture of Mikkey cracks me up, too! And, YAY! He is learning to be a bit more sociable.

      How is Jezzie?

      It’s a dual fuel one burner by Gas One, and I love it! The flame is infinitely adjustable! I have a nice two burner stove, but for some reason, I prefer this one. It’s just fun to cook on.

      More and more people are camping with induction stoves. I cook on propane at home and love it. Maybe I just like the idea of cooking fires. 🙂


  2. I really enjoy your blog and the great photos that you post. We traveled for several years in an Aliner, which we loved, but have just moved up to a Winnebago Micro Minnie. We miss the compactness of the Aliner, but are thoroughly enjoying the extra space of the Winnie while still being a relatively small camper. If you wish, you can see some of our exploits at:


    • Hi, Ranald,

      I wish I had known about the creeping crack sealer when we had our Aliner. Our windows did the same thing.

      The Winnie sounds delightful. My husband wants one, but it will have to wait a while. 🙂

      I’m glad you are enjoying the blog. I love doing it!


  3. LOVE that photo of uber-relaxed Mikki!! Good for a morning grin. Hey, camping in the rain is still better than staying home. I am envious of your A/C!!!


    • I am still grinning at that photo. I took several. When he zonks, he zonks, but he outdid himself that time!

      The A/C is incredible. Wish you had one (and the hookups to run it)!


  4. Ann

     /  June 14, 2019



  5. Horst

     /  June 14, 2019

    Mikkey lives the life the way it was meant to be lived. :)). That Van does look GREAT… and to end the perfect adventure was that terrific meal…I can almost smell it. Thanks for sharing..Horst sends


  6. Jo Harmon

     /  June 16, 2019

    Looks like a fun trip especialy for Mikkey. I wish I had room for an a/c but my space is small.


  7. I just really love your camper van!!! The AC came in very handy and it looks good sitting there!!! It’s been so hot here we haven’t been able to get outside especially with Mike wearing that hard collar brace! We have our Clam up but just too hot!!
    Glad you enjoyed your camping even though the weather wasn’t always cooperating!! You are so good at identifying mushrooms!!!


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